Mural art: Adding COLOR!

Next it was time to add color. This was partly exciting and partly agonising. Exciting because colouring it seemed a really fun idea but agonising as we had to tape down everything again because we wanted to paint inside the shapes formed by black spaces. Taping taping taping Started off with the colors…love how it looks…

Mural Art painting Update

Before view of the perfectly white board. After deciding the design of the painting, it was time to start measuring the lines and drawing out the illustrator artboard onto the wall. Since the projector projected the file a bit slanted and it was not possible to get it perfectly straight, we decided to just look…

Mural art: Getting started

The first group activity as a Graphic Design student seems to be very interesting. I am not sure if I am excited or not for this since we get to paint the wall in the student lounge at the same time its going to remain there for maybe the nest 2-3 years! everyone is going…